
This is a book (well, "book"), about learning OpenGL usage with Rust.

It's based on, by Joey de Vries, which is for C++ OpenGL. I'm not associated with Joey at all, I just think that they made a cool thing and I want to spread the knowledge to Rust folks as well.

OpenGL (OGL), is one particular flavor of GL within the larger GL family. There's also OpenGL ES (GLES), which is for embedded systems like phones and raspberry pi, and there's WebGL which is for GL in the browser.

OpenGL lets you draw things. 3D things. Actually if you orient a 3D thing properly it'll look 2D, so you can also draw 2D things if you want.

This book is a work in progress! Even the lessons that are "written" are probably written kinda badly. At the moment I'm more concerned with getting lessons out so that you can see the working code and the kinda explaining in text what's going on after the fact.

  • Current Goal: The current goal is to get example program for the "basics" lessons from into Rust versions, along with lesson explanation text for all example programs. At that point, development will probably take a break, but readers will have seen enough so that they can begin adapting other OpenGL books and blogs to continue their education on their own.

Please file an issue in the repo if there's something you don't get and I'll try to improve that part of the book.

Also, you can maybe read to understand the thing, while you wait for me to get back to you.

You can get the code on GitHub!